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1942. War Measure No 145

This "outlawed strikes by Africans, exposed strikers to the savage maximum penalty of a £500 fine [£50, according to Fine & Davis (1990: 23)] or three years' imprisonment, and imposed compulsory arbitration at his discretion" (Simons & Simons 1969: 557). Furthermore, this measure "was renewed from time to time long after the war [or annually (see Nattrass 1993: 46)], until the NATIVE LABOUR SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES ACT came into force in 1953" (Simons & Simons 1969: 557). See also the BANTU LABOUR REGULATIONS AMENDMENT ACT of 1973.

This resource is hosted by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, but was compiled and authored by Padraig O’Malley. Return to theThis resource is hosted by the site.